
Work Abroad

For several years now, some workers have had the autonomy to work on their computers wherever they want. The majority have chosen to work from home, while the more adventurous people chose to relocate. With the pandemic, this phenomenon has grown, and within weeks, nearly half of the population has turned to telecommuting. Despite the fact that travel restrictions limit our international travel, several areas are opening up to make room for "digital nomads". Are you interested?


What are the advantages?

We are witnessing the creation of visas specifically designed for digital nomads. Indeed, several countries now offer the possibility of settling for longer term to work remotely. This is an opportunity for them to compensate for the financial losses that the pandemic will have caused this year. But for you, is it beneficial? Several reasons may motivate this choice. Foremost, it is very likely that financial gain can be made where the cost of living is lower. With a salary in Canadian dollars and a weaker local currency there will be a mismatch between prices which will possibly be to your advantage.

Where to go?

A sunny destination: Bermuda or Barbados tempt you? The visa restrictions are adapted for those who wish to go as a digital nomad. Depending on the location, you can easily get a visa for 6 to 12 months. Close your eyes and imagine for a moment gazing out at the ocean from your office and going for a swim under the bright sun during your coffee break!

Low-cost destination: above all, do you want to gain a financial advantage? Think of Estonia or Georgia. These countries are renowned for their low cost of living. The visa [1]normally requires a minimum monthly income and quarantine upon arrival. In addition to being able to boost your savings, by being immersed in a new culture, you may come back enriched with new experiences.

Southern Desination: Were Mexico and Jamaica on your list of places to visit during your two-week vacation? Now you have the opportunity to go there and experience the country beyond all-inclusive. These countries have reopened their borders and nomadic workers can obtain visas to stay there for several months.


No matter what destination interests you, we advise you to look for a location that is less affected by the virus and to make sure that health guidelines are in place to reduce the risk of spread. Also, consider visiting destinations normally crowded with tourists that are now empty.

How to prepare yourself?

  • Check government websites and recommendations from health authorities to get the correct information before making a decision.
  • Some destinations charge fees to digital nomads when they arrive. Check your visa details and plan your budget money before you go.
  • Bring disinfectants, masks and a thermometer. You want to put the odds on your side and limit the risk of contagion in your new environment as much as possible.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection and make sure you have a plan B in case of service interruption.
  • Shop for insurance that covers the risks of COVID-19. If you have insurance with your employer, check if you are covered even when you relocate.
  • You are probably going to have to confine yourself when you arrive, so bring more money than you would usually bring. You really don't want to have to run a bank ATMs or banks to cover the goods and services you will need in the early days of your isolation.

“Crises, upheavals, illness do not arise by chance. They serve us as indicators to rectify a trajectory, explore new directions, experience another life path. "- Carl Gustav JUNG

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